Our Training:
Beautiful Feet Bootcamp
We follow Jesus, the ultimate cross-cultural missionary. He left His holy, heavenly culture to come to our sinful, earthly one.
He then turns to us, His disciples, and says, “As the Father sent Me, so I send you.”
1.Get Equipped
Missionary candidates begin their training with our three-week intensive Beautiful Feet Boot Camp (BFBC) in Oklahoma City. BFBC uses a relational approach to integrating the skills needed to help our disciple-makers thrive during their first-term immersive apprenticeship. Our training is a great fit for both those who are still trying to determine which unreached people group the Lord is leading them to and those who already have a clear trajectory for their long-term ministry. BFBC students learn from a variety of instructors who have significant and ongoing experience in the field of missions. Classes are interactive and designed to teach students about intimacy with Jesus, church planting, language acquisition, cultural adaptation, community development, contextualization of the Gospel, and team dynamics.
2. Live & Learn Among the People
Upon successful completion of BFBC, graduates head home to finish raising financial and prayer support. Graduates will be paired with a support-raising coach to help them through this process. Once fully funded, graduates will join one of Beautiful Feet’s existing overseas teams or partners in ministry for their first term apprenticeship. This initial 2-3 year immersive apprenticeship is focused on language and culture acquisition and is overseen by both the local Team Leader as well as Beautiful Feet home staff.
3. Discipling Disciple-Makers
We don’t frontload all of our training. From being accepted into BFBC, through support raising, apprenticeship and all throughout our career disciple maker’s long-term service, we will be alongside coaching, mentoring and caring for them the whole way.

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news.”
The Details
Costs and Dates
Three-week Intensive Boot Camp | First three weeks in June
Singles: $1,500
Married/family: $2,500 per couple; children are $200 each for the first three and $150 per additional.
Housing is included, but limited! Contact us to apply!
Perspectives (Minimum of Certificate Level) &
SRS Bootcamp
For Families
When God invites parents into mission work, He is inviting the whole family. BFBC has been a pioneer in missionary kid training from its inception. Children receive the same preparation as their parents on an age-appropriate level. Children are readied to face the unique challenges of cross-cultural life and begin developing the same practical skills as their parents. The goal is to help children grow in excitement about their family’s new adventure by helping them feel like a real part of the team.